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Rupali Tiwari, selected for Best Women’s Industrialist of the Year 2017

Awarded by the honorable CM of MP Shri Kamalnath
Indore: The 5th Outstanding Awards for Industries declared by Fedration of MP Chanbers of Commerce and Mrs. Roopali Tiwari Director PG Tech Pvt. Ltd Indore was awarded for BEST WOMEN ENTERPRENEUR OF THE YEAR 2017 by the honorable CM of MP Shri Kamalnath Jee
On this occasion Mrs. Roopali Tiwari, informed that she feel high motivated and energetic after getting this award. As per her she started her business with the help of her husband Mr. Ashish Tiwari. Being first generation Entrepreneur she faced many problems but her husband boost her moral every time and slowly they got the success. Without his support she cannot get successes. On this occasion Mr. Ashish Tiwari congratulated her and expresses his happiness and assured that he will always motivate her for proving her best so that she can get the best Entrepreneur award next time and he said that for any industry skill development is the best way to get success. The team of PG Tech Pvt ltd also congratulated to Mrs. Roopali tiwari